Monday, January 11, 2010

Mumbai Flashbacks Come In Threes

Today was the first day of orientation and before I even got on the train to go to school, memories of Mumbai flashed back, first bringing the feeling of confusion and then I began to miss the warm, chaotic city of Mumbai. The first memory happened with a girl was playing her ipod for all to hear. At first she was listening to some popular club/radio songs and then it happened. She switched to the song for the White Beauty commercial where the artist has to keep repainting the woman's face because she uses the cream and her skin becomes lighter. After a few more Bollywood songs, she switches to the BSB. The first album. For those of you who don't understand how this could possibly refere to India, not only did I have a BSB poster hanging above my bed, but I also had a school folder with them on it. The last flash back happened while waiting out,on the platform, the final minutes for the train to arrive. I just happened to over hear some people talking german. Awwww roomie.
First day of orientation was good. The end.

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