Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A McDonald's Cheeseburger is better in Tokyo

While fastfood is not something I eat, i am drawn to such establishments for their very refreshing chocolate milkshakes. A quilty pleasure of mine. After 3+ weeks of traveling in heat, I broke down and went to the McDonald's where only in Tokyo could you spend $10 on a cheeseburger, small fries and a small milkshake. It was worth it to find out that the cheeseburgers are indeed better here. The last time I had a McDonalds cheeseburger was about 2 years ago in upstate ny on one of my many long drives home from VT. That burger was an instant regret and quite possibly one of the worst non-burger tasting things ive ever had. But here in Tokyo, it seems their meat may not be quite as processed and lo and behold, was that a little bit of pink in my burger! Yes, here they are not cooked super well done but somewhere about medium well which is just find by me. The burgers are still dainty in size and carry loads of ketchup and mustard to make up for it as well as the very small one pickle which makes you wonder as to why they ever bother putting it on there but at least they are edible. If it weren't for my shame of portraying the stereotyped fat, fast-food eating american and hefty price, I may consider stopping by again.

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