Thursday, December 17, 2009

Survive Mumbai, Survive the World

We are down to the final hours of my time here in Mumbai and while I do miss home, I wish leaving was optional. I think part of this has to do with days here being in the high 80s and sunny. And well.... Philly isn't. Not even close. Aside from the weather, Matunga Central has become home. I will miss roaming the chaotic streets, dodging cars & pile of poo and maneuvering through the hoards of people in the markets and streets. Getting a taxi where the driver understands you, doesn't try to rip you off and listening to the sound of the gear shift as the taxi from decades past putters down the street will be missed. Everything in the US will be too easy and boring. In Mumbai, you don't have to make your own adventures, they just happen. But at the end of it, if you have survived Mumbai, you can survive anywhere.

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