Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"You Like India?"

We interrupt the Golden Triangle adventures for a short commercial break.
Tonight, I am watching "Outsourced" a movie about a call center manager that gets sent to India to train the call center. I watched the movie shortly before I left for India and now, seeing it just about 3 months into my time here I can fully appreciate and relate to his experiences. The excesses cows, exposed wiring, harassing children, the beefless McDonald's... I've also found some problems in the movie such as Mumbai airport exit really wasn't the Mumbai airport and he entered a rickshaw from a side which is not possible (because of the festival). Before I laughed because it was ridiculous. Now I laugh because it's true.

1 comment:

  1. lol It was on the other day and I hadn't seen it before. I couldn't stop laughing. The "what is your good name" and how everyone kept calling him "Mr. Toad." The "no problem, no problem" when there really WAS a problem and, of course, the beefless McDonald's. Every part of it was so true. :-D
    Hope classes are going well!
